1. No matter which Consult-A-Chiro service you choose, the first step is always to send us a message using the form below. In the “comment” section, write a brief summary of your needs.
2. If your question(s) can be answered quickly and easily, you’ll receive a reply free of charge, usually within 2 business days. If you do not receive a reply in that time, please be patient as we may have quite a backlog of inquiries.
3. If your request calls for more time or research to help you, or if Dr. Mark needs further information (such as your medical records), we’ll send you a questionnaire and instructions for delivering your personal data securely.
Consult-A-Chiro Services:
General Questions: (Free)
For basic questions about health, natural healing, and chiropractic, the process is quite simple. Just send us a message below and Dr. Mark will respond by email in the order that messages are received. There are many, so please be patient.
You may also receive an audio file of Dr. Mark’s response if his answer is more complicated than a few short sentences.
Review Your Case: ($39-$59) Based On Complexity
For a second opinion or to have your specific case reviewed by Dr. Mark, send us a message below with a summary of your issue. We’ll send you a questionnaire that will get the process started along with instructions so communication can occur privately and securely.
Lifestyle Coaching: (Varies – Request A Quote)
There are several options with coaching programs.
1. Individual – For anyone who wants an intensive approach to improving their health and lifestyle. If you want help with changing your diet, losing weight, increasing your fitness, reducing stress, or all the above, a plan will be tailored specifically for you and Dr. Mark will be your guide every step of the way.
2. Group – This is the same concept as #1 but for a group of your friends/family members who all want to get healthy together. Coaching calls and messages will be sent to all participants rather than 1-on-1.
Send us a message and let’s get started!
Send Us A Message
*Please do not send personal medical information through this form. All private medical data should be sent through our secure, encrypted portal. Information sent via this form may not be 100% secure.